Edited Template washed denim (Soft Green,Pink,Purple & Turqoise)

Baca Juga

This is how its look :)

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Blogger Template Style
Name: Budak Kemetot bloggy here :)
Designer: Nurhusna Syabani Binti Hamzah
URL:      http://aqupunyekesahbukankau.blogspot.com/
Date:     24/10/2011
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/* Headings
----------------------------------------------- */
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/* Posts
----------------------------------------------- */
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/* Comments
----------------------------------------------- */
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/* Sidebar Content
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font: normal 18px BPscript,Century Gothic;
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.sidebar ul {
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padding-bottom: .5em;
padding-left: 15px;
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.sidebar {
color: #A49696;
.sidebar .widget {
margin-bottom: 1em;
.sidebar .widget-content {
margin: 0 5px;
}/* Profile
----------------------------------------------- */
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float: left;
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margin-right: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
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padding: 4px;
border: 1px solid transparent;
.profile-data {
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font-size: 78%;
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margin:.5em 0 .5em;
.profile-textblock {
margin: 0.5em 0;
line-height: 1.6em;
/* Footer
----------------------------------------------- */
#footer {
clear: both;
text-align: center;
color: #A49696;
#footer .widget {
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line-height: 2.0em;
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$(function(){$.fn.scrollToTop=function(){$(this).hide().removeAttr(&quot;href&quot;);if($(window).scrollTop()!=&quot;0&quot;){$(this).fadeIn(&quot;slow&quot;)}var scrollDiv=$(this);$(window).scroll(function(){if($(window).scrollTop()==&quot;0&quot;){$(scrollDiv).fadeOut(&quot;slow&quot;)}else{$(scrollDiv).fadeIn(&quot;slow&quot;)}});$(this).click(function(){$(&quot;html, body&quot;).animate({scrollTop:0},&quot;slow&quot;)})}});
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<a href='#' id='toTop'><center><span class='Apple-style-span' style='color: rgb(255, 204, 204); '/></center><img src=' https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgnDg8S-4JXkBMpvFjelrU1GxeVZvuoCyW-Qy6Lc46QpFRZKLFsbqbTk_Q5MvKyOkMLfc_EjNZe9GoBsEApfaYqj04hPxQ8KrapcVEYbjpIRs6az1RSyK7mIyU63Gpgu9Gmex0bY9ISucv1/s1600/pinksimpletop.png?t=1292762029' style='border:0;'/></a>

So , Please ! jangan buang credit section for una :) una tahu mana satu code una . una akan kejar korunk kalau di dapati korunk menggunakan code una tanpa kebenaran :) kalau nak re-freebies then korunk adjust coding pasty kan korunk tambah base code melalui una :) una harap korunk beri kerjasama ! pleaseee no copy at heree :) harap dengan template nie dapat bantu korunk kayy <3
Mi Amor 

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